Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati
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Scooped by Vicki Smith for Ducati.net
onto Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati
January 30, 2014 6:46 AM

MotoGP news: Argentina's Termas de Rio Hondo confirmed on 2014 MotoGP calendar

MotoGP news: Argentina's Termas de Rio Hondo confirmed on 2014 MotoGP calendar | Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati | Scoop.it
MotoGP's return to Argentina has been given an official green light after the Termas de Rio Hondo circuit passed final homologation checks
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Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati
Ducati News Roundup  
Curated by Vicki Smith for Ducati.net