Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati
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Scooped by Vicki Smith for Ducati.net
onto Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati
December 29, 2012 7:59 AM

Ducati Display Stand by Point Studio

Ducati Display Stand by Point Studio | Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati | Scoop.it

The challenge within designing the new Ducati stand lays on making a modular environment able to fully include and represent the brand values. The answer was a space expressly inspired by the Ducati’s tubular frame, a traditional feature characterizing his bikes since the very beginning. The stand colors, red and white, represent both the brand tradition and the push towards future and high quality. The Ducati stand is reproducible in all sorts of trade shows, easy fitting to the different dimensional and functional needs. Main contractor: Eurostands 

Vicki Smith for Ducati.net's insight:

For those who have never been to the major motorcycle shows in Europe, like EICMA in Milan and Intermot in Cologne, the Ducati display stand is, even in these over the top settings, truly a stand out display. Constantly one of the most crowded spots in show, the designlayout is huge, impressive and rarely seen in total because is always so full of people. (It's bigger than most Ducati dealerships, contains a full set of meeting offices, a coat room and a VIP area  for snacks, coffee and Prosecco) There are several photos on the link above that give the best view of it we have ever come across. 

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Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati
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Curated by Vicki Smith for Ducati.net