Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati
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Scooped by Vicki Smith for Ducati.net
onto Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati
October 23, 2012 5:41 PM

Ezpeleta & Rossi on Proposed Rules | motorcycle-usa.com

Ezpeleta & Rossi on Proposed Rules | motorcycle-usa.com | Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati | Scoop.it
MotoGP boss Carmelo Ezpeleta continues to press his case for comprehensive MotoGP rules changes with Valentino Rossi commenting on the need to differentiate MotoGP from WSB.

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Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati
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Curated by Vicki Smith for Ducati.net