Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati
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Scooped by Vicki Smith for Ducati.net
onto Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati
March 27, 2012 5:08 AM

Ductalk Ducati History Lesson | Life saver - Ducati Marianna | The Classic MotorCycle Magazine

Ductalk Ducati History Lesson | Life saver - Ducati Marianna | The Classic MotorCycle Magazine | Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati | Scoop.it
Only about 350 of Fabio Taglioni’s Gran Sport 100 were made, but they saved Ducati Meccanica.

Ducati was in trouble. The year was 1954 and the factory had recently lain off 600 workers because of poor sales. Fortunately they had a new boss who had the vision to realise that a race-winning motorcycle could save the company – and Dr Giuseppe Montano knew the man who could design it for him.

The company began in 1926 when Antonio Cacelieri Ducati and his three sons Bruno, Adriano and Marcello founded Societa Scientifica Radio Bravetti Ducati – the first company in Italy to make electrical capacitors and radios. Nine years later the brothers moved into a new factory at Borgo Panigale on the outskirts of Bologna. Before long they were employing 7000 workers and expanded into making electric razors, miniature cameras, refrigerators and juke boxes....more

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Ductalk: What's Up In The World Of Ducati
Ducati News Roundup  
Curated by Vicki Smith for Ducati.net